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Whether you are already a fan of the characters in EDEN.2 or would like a peek inside the future imagined there, subscribe and receive Margaret’s new short story, The Taste of Hope, and news about her upcoming novel, Intersecting Eternity, and other works.

About the author…

Margaret is an Episcopal priest and author of two science fiction novels, Eden.2 and the soon-to-be released Intersecting Eternity. Margaret’s vision of a future trajectory for humanity reflects her forty years of focus on growing and sustaining spiritual communities. Her short story Bridge to Before won first place in fiction at the Wyoming Writers Conference in 2015. Her non-fiction publications, Rooted in God and New Growth in God’s Garden, both address the challenges of congregations living out inclusive faith with integrity in the present world.

Margaret’s most recent adventure has been moving from Wyoming to Tucson, Arizona with her partner and three cats. They are thawing out nicely while enjoying extended family, birding and hiking.

Margaret Babcock


EDEN.2 On a planet far from dying Earth, Jerry Nichols, an Episcopal priest, and his exobiologist husband, Rob, lead the efforts of a small band of religiously diverse settlers and scientists to create a viable new community on a scarcely explored world. They receive help from a mysterious entity, that changes them and opens unforeseen possibilities. Then their sister ship arrives, upsetting the delicate balance they’ve achieved. Will humanity once again become its own worst enemy, or will a new way of being emerge?

Coming October 15, 2024!


In 2073, humans settled on a planet they called Goldilocks, forging a relationship of interdependence and trust which allowed them to flourish. Then something went wrong.
One hundred and thirty years later, disasters threaten humanity’s survival as the population has forgotten the alliance it once forged with the world it inhabits. Alice, a young woman just stepping into adult love and responsibility, is navigating an increasingly hostile and dangerous society. Her great-great aunt Elena, teetering on the precipice between life and death, reaches into her past for stories that illuminate their present situation. Together, they seek a destiny which both honors the truth of Goldilocks and re-establishes a sustainable relationship with her. But time is running out to save a future for humanity on their new home planet.

I’ve delighted in reading science fiction and fantasy novels for decades and found Intersecting Eternity to be engrossing, riveting, and frequently surprising. The differences between Goldilocks and Earth are wonderfully subtle, while the character-driven plot kept me wondering how Alice would navigate her expanding and challenging world. I highly recommend immersing yourself in this engaging story!

—Shirin McArthur, editor and spiritual guide


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